A branding agency forBackstage

Pairing entertainment industry newspaper and magazine BACKSTAGE with NY-based HIGH TIDE to redefine their brand's strategy and expression for a modern age.


“HIGH TIDE was invited to help BACKSTAGE redefine its brand strategy, architecture and expression so that, moving into the future, its presence would match its ambition.”

Danny Miller – Founder, High Tide

“BACKSTAGE started as a trade publication over 50 years ago helping actors and performers find work in theatre. Under new ownership it set out to become a global marketplace for aspirational talent, and the brands and the directors that desired their skills. The team at BACKSTAGE were looking for an agency that could help them reimagine and redefine their brand so that it better represented their exciting new vision.”

Toby Wilkinson – Founder, ASK US FOR IDEAS

backstage - digital. DESIGN - high tide ©️
backstage - digital. DESIGN - high tide ©️